Wednesday, August 4, 2010

12 more days

Only 12 more days until I get on the plane, and I'm anxious. I'm trying to live in the moment and appreciate the time I have here, while preparing and making sure I have everything.
I am almost done packing. I had decided that it's better to pack now rather than later because I want my last week to be as open as possible. When I get back from Japan I will be going to college (hopefully Hamline University I will know before I leave), so I am also packing up my room. It is more difficult then I thought it would be, but I'm almost done. While I was cleaning my room. I found some clothes I forgot to pack and my suit case is full =(. It's a bit of a bummer but only a small problem. I decided that I would let go and give away some of my stuff, and the rest will be stored in totes until I return.
12 days left, that's a little under 2 weeks. I'm not pretending like I have all the time in the world, but I'm not pretending like I have to get on the plane tomorrow either. I'm going to enjoy the time I have and spend it with loved ones.