Saturday, August 28, 2010

Kishiwada city pt.1 (Kishiwada Castle)

Yesterday my family and I went sight seeing in a small city called kishiwada. It was very interesting.

This is kishiwada castle. It is very small compared to most casltes in Japan, but still has the characteristics (ie. moat, big gate). It burned down and was rebuilt 50 years ago, So it's actually just a replica of the original, but still very interesting.

Here is a scale model of kiswada castle.



Ancient Armor

Not quite sure, just as very beautiful picture.

Old caligraphy tools

Ancient map

Old Grain machine

Top Floor

Great view

Stone Garden below


  1. Wonderful! We look forward to your posts all the time :) Thanks for posting so we can keep tabs on you when you're 1/2 way around the world

  2. Sorry forgot to sign my name! We miss you at Jennings!
    ~ Kristyn
